My Uncle Jon -from Abi x

Created by Abigail2889 10 years ago
It's taken over 6 months to be able to make sense of something to right here but I think it's time I do. I've been spurred on by what came on my random music playlist this morning, Genesis "Jesus he knows me" this is probably the only Genesis song I could name but it always reminds me of my Uncle Jon, always has always will. So many memories of Christmases, Easter, birthdays and just fun weekends all of them with a soundtrack of Phil Collins, Genesis and Right Said Fred. I'm sure you can imagine 4 children under the age of 10 prancing around a living room to "Deeply Dippy" is a sight to behold! It invariably resulted in several other family members commenting on the volume control but of course you can not listen to epic drum solos quietly! I have been very lucky to have such a close family and been able to share so many memories with them Christmas was always filled with laughter, either Josh making complete nonsense jokes or Uncle Jon laughing at my poor Nan's expense! Or Easter while us kids are partaking in what would have to be described a fairly epic sized Easter egg hunt in the back garden when the adults suddenly realise no one has actually counted how many eggs and chocolates have been hidden! There are too many memories and stories to right down in one place but I will always be grateful that Jon was my uncle and that Sandra, Josh and Lauren are still a big part of our families lives. Xxxx