Jon, thankyou for reading my CV

Created by alan 10 years ago
I knew Jon as our sales director at Ripmax. My time at Ripmax came about I think almost by fated accident. I actually applied for a sales assistant position within Hobbystores in 2007. As a result my CV found it's way on to Jon's desk at Ripmax. Jon clearly saw something in my CV, and I can remember the day he tried to contact me back in 2007. I had 6 or 7 missed calls in quick succession on my phone, so Jon was clearly keen to talk to me. Once I had spoken to Jon, I was invited up to Ripmax for a chat with him and Nick, they even very kindly covered my petrol money :-) Subsequently I was offered a position within the service dept at Ripmax, but sadly due to the relocation issues at the time (220 miles) I reluctantly turned the post down. However, the story doesn't end there. For the following 12 months I monitored the Ripmax website and then eventually in the summer of 2008 I spotted a position advertised on the Ripmax website for a Graphic Designer. A position I took up on the 11th August 2008. In part I think I owe Jon a BiG thank you for taking the time to read my CV back in 2007 as I believe it started a chain of events that would eventually lead to me working alongside him. There is a well known phenomenon we all know called the 'Butter Fly Effect'. Jon has clearly touched many people's lives in a positive way, in some way I feel Jon was the catalyst for my own journey over the past 5 or 6 years and maybe even in part for the journey I am about to commence. One I am sure he would be 'Chuffed' to bits with. Remembered with GREAT respect, BiG Al x